03 April 2011

It Wasn't the Fire, It Wasn't the Flood

The Tutu 5K is now safely laid to rest until next year. As some of you may know, Mr & Mrs. Smith (Hollis) played that show. The event was the first time ANYONE had seen the act in person before. It was such an amazing set.
So Friday I went to joie's house where Hollis was staying and just played around for a few hours. After the awkwardness of not knowing what to play was too much to stand, I suggested we come up with something. I called out a chord structure and then lyrics came. Coming up with the lyrics was hard because almost everything now is played out...and we got sidetracked by conversations.
When it came time to record the song, we thought the best place to do it would be the cab of Hollis's pick up as to not bother anyone in the apartment and we wouldn't get background noise from doing it in open air.
So Hollis in drivers seat facing back, making her leg fall asleep, and me in the back facing front, having trouble closing the door...did I mention that the truck was on a sideways incline?
The only thing I personly regret was not getting joie on the recording. While we were writing she came up with some growls and things but when it was time to record, she had a migraine and had to lay down.
Check out It Wasn't The Fire, It Wasn't The Flood by Jono and Hollis. More songs are sure to come but maybe not for a while what with the distance between Texas and Florida.

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