21 April 2011

The Creative Process

If you've checked the site for the past month (and I wouldn't blame you if you didn't because this thing is H A R D L Y ever updated) you may have seen us mention that we plan on writing new songs. But up to this point it's been all conjecture and you've seen no hard evidence that music making is going on.
The simple truth as to why we haven't said anything about it is because until just Tuesday night no songs were written. For me, it's really hard to write music after a long while of not even thinking of a musical idea. I'm sure some people ((cough)) joie ((cough)) would call bullshit on that but I bullshit you not. It's a little daunting to write music. Sure, there have been tons of things* that have made me want to get off my ass and pick up a guitar or keyboard and get to it. But I psych myself out and think that I'd just make the same folk songs and blah, blah, blah...so what would be the point.
All of that was just a roundabout way of saying that I wrote a song! Yay! ((confetti rains down)) What happened was On Tuesday I was hanging out with joie and we were watching a TV drama and she was talking about guys that caused her some problems in the past. I thought the conversation was more or less an "airing of the grievances" until I was driving home and POP!
A melody came into my head. and a few seconds later I thought of two lines almost simultaneously. I tried to develop the kernel I had while driving the rest of the way home then the second I got inside my room, I picked up my guitar and tried to figure out what chords went to the half remembered (now nearly completely forgotten) melody. After working for about an hour and a half, I was able to get some lyrics and a structure by 1.30 at which time I grabbed a Futurama DVD and went to bed.
When I woke up The next day I fleshed out some things and then all of a sudden I realized that my work on it alone was finished. Now it's up to joie to put her fingerprints on it.The music sounds like Foo Fighters covering Hüsker Dü. You might be saying that Foo Fighters already sound like they're doing Hüsker Dü covers to which I say You'll just have to listen to the song, then.
The weird thing about Wednesday is that almost immediately after finishing the song for joie, I wrote music for another one. I can't explain this one to you. The only thing I can tell you about it is that we're finally working with dynamics. I've never done that as a songwriter, it feels really good.
We're not even done yet. joie has a song or two that we're going to get to work on whenever we can. The Cute Scenarios universe is very exciting now. So my hope is that we can finish these songs and play them for you in a manner most pleasing to you, whether Live or on re-chord, sometime soon. Ultimately, I would like to have an EP written and ready for recording by the start of Fall.

...We'll see if that happens.

*Lykke Li, Jon Hoppkins, The new Of Montreal record: False Priest, The new Arcade Fire record: The Suburbs

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