The writing and recording of The Mannequin started in earnest in mid to late July and ended in early August. I had to start Cute Scenarios from scratch because my hard drive with the album and a half that I had recorded became useless from a slip of my hands. Hold on to those hard drives with a kung-fu grip, Y'all. That among other bonehead mistakes, (all my fault, By the way), is why that album won't see the light of day for a while.
Once I decided to start fresh, I recorded a song that never, ever got it's due. From Here has been knocking around for four year before getting properly recorded. Even though it was an old song, it got the recording juices flowing.
Once I got done doing the preliminary stuff on From Here, I wanted to experiment. I had heard that the super fast synth on Pink Floyd's On The Run was made by recording it as slow as they could and then speeding it up as fast as it would go in the synth...not on tape. So that's what I did. I set the recording tempo to as slow as I could, played a pattern for fifteen minuets and then sped it up to as fast as it would go. The end result after adding and adding TONS of stuff is the last track Down The Rabbit Hole.
Right now, I'm going to go track by track and give you a sentence or two about the songs:
1. The Mannequin: An instrumental piano rocker. Ben Folds was a HUGE inspiration on the piano playing.
2. Arbitration Cinema: The coolest drums I've ever programed. The lyrics were all made up to be the worst B-movie taglines ever.
3. The Fingle Dopple: If you truly get the reference and don't have to look it up on the internet, I'll buy you a drink.
4. From Here: We do preform this song every once and again. When we get the recording equipment, We'll get you a version with joie on it because she adds so much more to this song.
5. Her Knight in Black Armor: Written RIGHT after The Mannequin. I wrote this to score the video I made. Check it out in the Videos section.
6. Down The Rabbit Hole: It was crazy working on this. It's actually a Frankenstein's monster of it's self. Every sound except the drums, the birds and one synth sound are disfigured versions of the first musical line.
Well I hope that was at least a little informational. I really hopeYou decide to spend the five bucks and help your new, favorite, local band record. *wink*